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Professional Women in Building

The Inner Banks Home Builders Association is the recognized representative of the local construction industry and is comprised of professionals dedicated to preserving the dream of affordable home ownership for everyone.

The NAHB Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) is the voice of women in the building industry, dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state and national levels.

The Inner Banks PWB Council was approved by NAHB in 2023 and the group meets at least quarterly to provide social, volunteer and educational opportunities for our members. Membership is open to all members of the Inner Banks HBA and the cost is $100 per year in addition to annual IBXHBA membership dues.  For more information, contact Sarah Williams at or complete the application online here.

Kathy Herring of KDL Construction.

2024 Professional Women in Building, President. 

Kathy Herring is an unlimited licensed building contractor in Eastern NC. Before starting her own construction firm in 2021, she had well over twenty years of experience in fund development, governmental affairs and non-profit management including nine years as a legislative researcher for Chambers of Commerce in Eastern NC. Ms. Herring is also one of the founders and past president of the Pitt County chapter of Parents for Public Schools, as well as past president of the Parents for Public Schools’ national board of directors.

A native of rural Greene County, Kathy holds two undergraduate degrees from East Carolina University - one of those in the Construction Management program. She is married to Doug Gomes and the parent of three adult children - Alex, Caroline and Zack.

Kathy has a deep love for Eastern North Carolina and has dedicated most of her adult life  advocating on behalf of the region and its residents. Her service to the Inner Banks Home Builder’s Association aligns with her values as she works to advance affordable housing growth and construction career opportunities in our community and region.

Katie Holloman of Haystack Realty.

2024 Professional Women in Building, Vice President.




The IBXHBA Professional Women in Building Council (PWB), as part of the NAHB Professional Women in Building Council is the voice of women in the building industry, dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state and national levels.

Industry data show company earnings of PWB members are 22% higher than those of non-members. PWB members attribute much of their success to the support they receive from peer members, in addition to receiving exclusive access to professional development resources and participating in forums that hone leadership skills. Plus, the national recognition they attain through the largest network of residential construction professionals also gives them a competitive edge.

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